Pull apart Garlic Cheese Bread

Cheese pull apart breads are currently trending these days ...so i just thought why not give it a try !!
Ended up making these delicious breads which were so cheesy and tasty. I have made the buns too at home but if you want you can get them from outside make incisions and do the rest as per the recipe !!
Make sure to read the tip at the end of the recipe .
Happy cooking !!!

Ingredients :

1&1/2 cup flour
2 tsp oil
1& 1/2 tsp instant dry active yeast
1/ 2 cup warm water
1/8 th tsp sugar
Some Sesame Seeds
2tbsp milk + 1 tsp sugar dissolved  mixture

13 cloves of chopped garlic
3 tbsp butter
4 tbsp oil
Pinch of pepper powder
1/ 2 tsp oregano
1/ 2 tsp chopped coriander
1/ 4 th tsp chilli flakes

Prepared garlic butter
Cheese as per choice
Coriander chopped finely for garnish


For the buns : ( STEP 1)
1.In a bowl take some water and add sugar and mix till it dissolves completely.
2.Then add the yeast & give it a stir and keep  this covered for 10 minutes.
3.Afterwards add  flour ,salt  and make a sticky dough if needed add some more flour.
3.To this add the oil so that it starts coming together.
4.Now keep this dough covered aside for about 1&1/ 2 hour.
5. Then knead it nicely once again and then split it and form two balls .
6. Keep these balls on a Baking tray and cover it with a wet cloth  and let them rise again for about half an hour .

7. Now apply milk + sugar mixture on the buns top to get a nice golden colour and sprinkle some sesame seeds .

8. Now bake this at 180°c for 15 minutes.
Your buns are ready !!!

These same can be used for making burgers by dividing the buns in a smaller portion!!!!

For the garlic butter :( STEP2 )
1.In a pan heat some oil and add butter .
2.Then add the garlic and let the garlic fry.
3.Once it starts turning golden switch off the flame and let it cool .
4.Then add the remaining ingredients and the butter spread is ready.

For the final step :( STEP 3)
Make incision on the bread horizontally and vertically so that cubes are formed .
Fill these cubes with butter spread first and then  with grated cheese .
Bake this for 7 minutes @180° c .
Your garlic cheese  pull apart  bread is ready !!!

TIP : Once your buns are baked cover them with a  damp cloth for half an hour  before making the cheese bread. This helps to make the buns more soft .
