Red Colour Burger Buns ( Whole wheat & Eggless )

  • For Activating Yeast (Active dry yeast )
  • ½ Cup warm milk
  • 1 Tbsp Sugar
  • 1 tbsp active dry Yeast

  • For the Dough:
  • 2 Wholewheat flour
  • ½ teaspoon Salt
  • Activated yeast mixture
  • 2 Tablespoons oil and a bit more to knead the dough
  • 1 tsp red food colouring / 2 - 2 tbsp grated beetroot 

1 tsp sesame seeds to sprinkle on the top


Mix all the ingredients of the dough together and add some more milk if needed and little bit of oil to the mixture unless you get that stick dough and let it rest for  45 minutes to 1 hour or else until it doubles up .
Now once risen knead it again for 5 minutes amd make round bun shape balls and place it on a baking tray and let it rise for another 10 minutes . Sprinkle the sesame seeds on the top of the buns.
                                          Before baking 👇
                           After baking 👇

Now bake these @180°c for 15 minutes .
Your burger buns are ready 


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