Pistachio White Chocolate !!!

Chocolate has become one of the most popular food types and flavors in the world, and a vast number of foodstuffs involving chocolate have been created, particularly desserts including cakespuddingmousse,chocolate brownies, and chocolate chip cookies. Many candies are filled with or coated with sweetened chocolate, and bars of solid chocolate and candy bars coated in chocolate are eaten as snacks. Gifts of chocolate molded into different shapes (e.g., eggs, hearts) have become tradition

So here is the quick Recipe of making these lip smacking chocolates

Ingredients :
White compound chocolate
Chocolate wrapping paper
Strings to wrap chocolate
Mould to set the chocolate

Method :
 Take the compound chocolate in a bowl and melt it using double boiling method.
Then in a mould place some finely chopped pistachios and then pour the melted chocolate over them.
Freeze it for 10 minutes. 
Then wrap them inside the wrapping paper and gift them to your loved ones !!
