Bread Pizza

Bread pizza is an instant snack which is very easy to make . We can even add more chopped veggies to this such as -corn, coloured capsicum, paneer , corn etc. Here I have used basic ingredients to make this. The recipe is as follows

Serves 6 slices of bread

1 chopped capsicum
1 chopped tomato
1 chopped onion
Some tomato ketchup / pizza sauce
2 teaspoons of oregano
A pinch of chill powder
6 slices of bread
A small bowl of grated mozzarella cheese

Method :

Apply sauce on the bread and spread the vegetables over it.
Then sprinkle cheese and some  oregano and chilli powder over it.
Now place this in the oven at 200° c  for 10 minutes on grilling mode.
Your Bread Pizza is ready .
